MANN Air Filters for heavy dust conditions

Oil-Bath/Dry Air Filter Combination
Pico single stage air filter with oil-bath air filteras a highly effective precleaner
Application: extremely heavy dust conditions,e.g. agricultural and construction machinery,mining and track vehicles
Nominal flow rate: 4.5 to 28 m3/min

MANN Europiclon
Two stage air filter of fully recyclable plastic
Application: medium dust conditions, e.g. stationary engines, compressors, construction and agricultural machines
Available with secondary element
Nominal flow rate: 1 to 15 m3/min

The right air filter ...

Oil-bath air filter
Spare-part-independent single stage air filter
Application: low to medium dust conditions,and also for heavy dust conditions when combined with a cyclone precleaner, e.g. construction and agricultural machines
Nominal flow rate: 0.7 to 19 m3/min

... for any application

Single stage air filter
Application: low to medium dust conditions, and also for heavy dust conditions when combined with a cyclone precleaner, e.g. stationary engines and on-road vehicles; with cyclone precleaner also for construction and agricultural machinery
Available with secondary element
Nominal flow rate: 3 to 40 m3/min

MANN Picolight
Single stage air filter without filter housing
Application: light dust conditions, for nonpulsating air intake, e.g. screw compressors
Nominal flow rate: 1 to 6 m3/min

For any air filter ...

Vacuum Filter
Single stage air filter
Application: light to medium dust conditions, e.g. for installation in air and gas lines with vacuum
Nominal flow rate: 0.7 to 12 m3/min

Wet Air Filter
Single stage air filter with knitted steel mesh wetted with oil
Application: light dust conditions, e.g. for marine engines, stationary engines and compressors in closed rooms
Nominal flow rate: 1.4 to 87 m3/min

MF MANN Crankcase Breather Valve
MANN Crankcase Breather Valves provide two advantages:
As pressure regulating valve they control the pressure in the engine crankcase
As oil separator they hold back oil droplets from the blow by gas which is fed back by the closed breather system into the engine sump.

...the matching system components
The functional reliability of the air intake filter for internal combustion engines and compressors must also be ensured when little space is available or operating conditions are difficult. To achieve the best possible implementation of the air filter, MANN+HUMMEL offers a large range of system components:

Brackets for vibration-proof mounting
Service Indicators let you know when maintenance of the filter element is due
Cyclones operating as pre-separators, prolong the service life of single stage filters

Rain caps protect from water or coarse impurities
Ejectors for vacuuming out the extracted dust, maintenance-free
Air Routing Parts conduct the air from the intake parts through the air filter to the consumer
Silencer Pipes reducing the air intake noise of the motor

Spin-on Filters
For the filtration of lubricating oil and fuel
Application: engines, machines, installations
Filter rating: 12 µm 50%, 30 µm 99%
Nominal flow rate: 15 to 540 I/min.
Pressure range: 14 to 35 bar

MANN micro-Top Filter Elements
For the filtration of fuel, lubricating and hydraulic oil, coolant and lacquer
Application: engines, gears, machinery construction
Filter rating: 12 µm 50%, 30 µm 99%
Nominal flow rate: 15 to 39,800 l/h

Filter Elements for EDM
For the filtration of dielectric
Application: for all major lines of wire and cavitiy-sinking erosion machinery (Agie, Charmilles, Fanuc, Hansen etc.)
Filter rating: 3 to 25 µm

High Pressure Filters
For the filtration of lubricating oil and hydraulic liquid
Application: machinery construction, hydraulics, engines
Filter rating: ß5 to ß25 > 75
Nominal flow rate: 20 to 150 I/min
Pressure range: 175 to 400 bar
Accessories: service indicators

For every fluid ...

MANN In-Line Filters For the filtration of fuel, lubricating and hydraulic oil
Application: machinery construction, hydraulics, engines
Filter rating: 12 µm 50%, 30 µm 99%
Nominal flow rate: 25 to 540 I/min
Pressure range: 14 to 35 bar
Accessories: service indicators

Suction Filters
Strainer-star and in-line suction filters
For the filtration of lubricating and hydraulic oil
Application: hydraulic installations
Filter rating: 12 µm 50%, 30 µm 99%
Nominal flow rate: 20 to 150 I/min

Filters for two-way ventilation
For pressure compensation in tanks for liquids
With or without filling strainer
Nominal flow rate: 0.5 to 43 M3 air/min

...the matching filter

Gap-Type Filters
Plate gap-type, wire gap-type and gap-type tube filters
Can be cleaned during service
For the filtration of slightly or very viscous fluids such as lacquer, polyhydric alcohol, isocyanate, cooling lubricants and more
Application: machinery construction, large-size engines, chemical industry, reactivity foundry installations, metal-cutting machinery
Filter rating: 30 µm to 1.0 mm
Nominal flow rate: up to 45 m3/h
Pressure range: up to 40 bar

MANN Profluid
Patented backflushing filter system
Automatic cleaning and backflushing during service
For the filtration of oil, processing emulsion and suds, cooling and processing water and more
Application: industrial washing installations, machinery construction, cooling water systems, food and chemical industries, machine tools
Filter rating: 30 to 200 µm
Nominal flow rate: up to 900 m3/h
Pressure range: up to 40 bar


MANN + HUMMEL is a worldwide leading manufacturer for air, oil and fuel filters. Many years of experience in research, design and production of filters assure know-how for developing special filters for marine and heavy-engine applications.

MANN filters keep the fuel, lub oil and combustion air clean and pure. These ideal working conditions achieve extended service life, longer life time of engines and machines, more working time and availability.

MANN filters for marine engines meet the regulations applied by companies such as Germanischer Lloyd, Lloyds Register of Shipping and others.

Filter Elements for Lubrication Oil and Fuel

Picolight and Wet Air Filters

MANN filters are developed in close cooperation with leading engine manufacturers. MANN filters are original equipment in their products, the engine manufacturers recommend MANN filters for service to their customers.
MANN+HUMMEL produces a large variety of filter systems, i.e. strainer filter inserts, paper cartridges for the filtration of lub oil and fuel as well as air filters for the filtration of combustion air.

MANN filters are available almost all over the world.

Cost efficiency
MANN+HUMMEL puts a lot of effort in development and production of filters in order to optimize the costs for the users of MANN filters. High quality filter elements assure a great availability, a longer life time of engines and machines and an optimum in Life-Cycle-Costs.